Our Partners


Local Partners

Choices Women’s Clinic, Orlando, FL

A ministry committed to providing individuals in unplanned pregnancies with life affirming options, free pregnancy tests, ultrasounds, complete and accurate information regarding abortion, adoption and parenting. Assists families carrying to term by providing emotional support and practical assistance.

jobs partnership, Orlando, FL

A faith-based partnership of individuals, churches, employers and community organizations working together to help people discover a path to the job they were made for.

CrossTown Ministries, Orlando, Fl

CrossTown Ministries is planting a gospel environment where disciples are made. We are developing initiatives, programs, and partnerships focused on discipling our residents through education, vocation, mental health, and spiritual development. Out of this gospel environment, we are raising up leaders from CrossTown who will make disciples in their own community, leading to its flourishing.

Orlando Union Rescue Mission, Orlando, FL

A faith-based organization that provides those in need with food, shelter, clothing, and other resources to help the homeless build their lives and achieve self-sufficiency.

International Partners

armonía, Mexico City and Oaxaca, Mexico

A faith-based organization providing residence homes to indigenous high school and university students who otherwise would not have educational opportunities beyond the eighth grade. The residence homes are located in Oaxaca, Mexico and Mexico City, Mexico.

casa hogar, Acapulco, Mexico

A faith-based children’s home for abandoned and orphaned children in Acapulco, Mexico. Each child receives a quality education in private and public schools, nutrition, medical and psychological care in a safe and loving environment. 

Community House Damaris, Athens, Greece

A Christ-centered safe house based in Athens, Greece offering a long term recovery program for women age 18 to 35, and their children who have been or are at high risk of sexual exploitation or trafficking. The program is designed to guide survivors into full rehabilitation and reintegration into society. 

Honduras medical trip

Presents the Gospel in word and deed by showing and sharing the Love, Care, Compassion, Healing, Mercy and Justice of Christ, to people in remote villages. This occurs through medical care, a full pharmacy, eye care, eye glasses, parasite deworming medications, and a wide ranging children’s ministry program.


Prepares Christian leaders to lead a transformation of the world into God's Kingdom by providing biblical education, for the world, for free.