Our Mission

Just like making a quilt, creating Care2Sew didn’t happen overnight. Since 2010, we’ve been lovingly working to unite different people, places, and projects into the organization we have today.

We started as a gathering of women and girls in Orlando, FL who enjoyed sewing together and who loved donating the blankets we made. 

Then we expanded our sewing adventure by working with Orangewood Church’s partner organizations. We visited partners like Casa Hogar (a children’s home in Acapulco, Mexico) and House Damaris (a home for trafficked women in Athens, Greece), where we showed women and children of all ages how to sew curtains, bags, and other useful items. As they learned the skill of sewing, they were equipped to save some money, help around the house, and even start a business.


At Care2Sew:

"We believe that a quilt can change a life.”


In 2014, we came up with a simple, reproducible and sustainable system to make quilted blankets by using donated, left-over scraps of fabric to create an infinite number of pattern combinations. By doing this, people could learn to sew in a way that didn’t require us to speak a common language while welcoming those with no sewing experience. 

Then, in January of 2018, we did something that would change the future of our organization. For the first time, we made our quilts available to anyone in exchange for a donation to one of Orangewood’s local or international partners. Now, with everyone working together, we’ve been able to make more of a difference than ever before. 

With your help, we will continue to learn, create and do good, one stitch at a time.

Welcome! We’re glad you are here!